Mindset: Create Big Goals, Get Big Wins in 2025

The Bartoli Consulting Group
Mindset: Create Big Goals, Get Big Wins in 2025

According to a survey monkey study, only 35% of business owners set benchmarks or goals.

Among those who do, 90% consider themselves successful, compared to 71% who don't even set goals. Harvard Business School online study additionally said research indicates that 83% of people do not set goals at all and only 3% write them down.

Writing down goals can absolutely increase the likelihood of achieving them by a whopping 42%. Pretty interesting. Let's get into this.

Hi there, I'm Janet Bartoli and this is a Founders Lab where I am showing you the smartest and most effective way to grow your business through mindset and skills and one on one conversations.

As of today’s date,. Right now, it's the first week of December. And as we get ready to wind down the fourth quarter, we're always bombarded with LinkedIn posts and messages, your emails, and on your social media feeds about gearing up for the new year. And In my industry especially, there's lots of agencies or consultants talking about what to expect in digital marketing in 2025. What does search marketing look like in 2025?

There are always these predictions, or mostly opinions and assumptions of what next year will hold in whatever that industry is.

And maybe you see that in your own industries as well. Uh, well, this is that time of year. So how do you approach this? How do you approach specifically goal setting or understanding what the goals should be, and how do you think through that? Is there is there an actual right way to do this?

Early on in my entrepreneurial career, I would set aside time to look back over the course of the last year. Generally, this was always in December, sometimes like during Christmas week. And so I set aside time. I look back over the course of the last year, and then when you think back to what you did in January and April and July, you might find more success and accomplishments than you really anticipated or even remembered.

That is why doing something like that is is really, helpful. And if you think about in a typical corporate environment, there's a quarterly business review or there's, um, many different, uh, presentations and things that you have to get ready for the C-suite to share about all the work that you and your team did over the course of the year, and just what your plans are for next year. So maybe that's where I got this. Where it became more of a habit for me was from my corporate life, where that's what you that's just what you do.

Now, what I like to do is open up an Evernote note in my I have a 2024 goals and each year I I'll list it out and some there's some personal goals like learning Italian and the guitar and both are coming along more on the language piece.

More so there than than the music one. But hey, it's a start. So how do you know what happened over the course of your year? There's a lot of times if you don't write or take note of any of this stuff, it really does get lost. There's a lot of ways you could track this now. I mentioned Evernote. It's one of my favorite apps to use. I use it as a daily journal. I also track monthly work, specifically sales and and marketing targets.

Then when you do a look back, it's all right there for you to review. The other favorite way I like to look back is what I call the post-it note in a mason jar, and it's probably seen this on Instagram or anywhere else where you see like, oh, great ideas for what to do every single year. And so what what I love about it is because it doesn't get forgotten. And any time throughout the year, for any reason, if something unexpected happens or a lesson learned, something a client said that was worth remembering.

It really could be anything. I would write the date and the specific thing. Whatever that was. I would fold the post-it note up, drop it in the mason jar, and at the end of the year, somewhere like the last week of of December, you open them all up and you just it can be fun just to see all that happened.

Sometimes there were things I didn't remember, or I definitely wouldn't have bothered to write them down or recall at all, But in many times, probably more often than not, what I found was there were things that happened, things that you appreciate, having that more of an abundance or a positive mindset to really reinforce what it is you're doing.

Even if you didn't have a great full year or quarter, there's always going to be a bright spot.

There's always going to be something that you can focus in on. To really say, yeah, I did accomplish a lot. Maybe I didn't hit my financial goal, maybe I didn't hit the number of clients that I wanted to acquire, but I did these other things. and a lot of times they would be things like I'd be on a sales call. And if this person decided they didn't, for whatever reason, they decided not to work with me. But there was always an appreciation of thank you so much for sharing this with me.

Maybe it was some kind of knowledge or something that I shared, you know, a piece of information to help them, and they really appreciated it. So things like that. being an entrepreneur is a lot about meeting your potential. And you know what?

What are you capable of, actually? In all honesty, all the things I've done, including six years in the Navy, working at Accenture for five years and running a marathon eight years ago, running a business, creating something out of nothing, and selling it, in many cases to cold prospects is the most challenging thing that I have ever done.

Maybe the exception being when I was a single mom with a three year old for four years. That was definitely a challenge for sure. When you consider all the businesses out there that have created something, they sold it and they made multiple millions. That's a tremendous feat. And I'm not talking about the VC backed dudes who draft off someone else's genius. That's a much different, faster way to achieving goals, in my opinion.

Okay. One of the reasons that I've dedicated a piece of this podcast to mindset is because I do believe that it's something, especially for those just starting out or those who haven't reached a particular goal. Whatever that goal is in their business, your mindset can. Most cases can actually be a barrier to all of that, to achieving things that you want.

Now, last mindset episode I mentioned a book called You Squared. This time I'm going to share another helpful resource. This one is Amy Porterfield has a podcast. You may or may not be familiar with who Amy Porterfield is. Um, she is been in the online, um, internet. She's been in the online space. She's a course creator for at least ten, 12 years, a long time. She has a podcast called Online Marketing Made Easy in episode number 730.

It's called Reframe your brain. Set goals that scare you and get what you want. I highly recommend just listening to that. She's talking with Doctor Benjamin Hardy. He's a psychologist and a bestselling author, and he's helped millions take their lives to the next level. So in that episode, there's a lot that they talk about, but they talk about necessary goals, possible risks, and what happens if you don't hit your goals, which I think is a reason why a lot of people do not set goals because they fear the what if what if this doesn't work out?

And it's also a reason why a lot of people don't start businesses either. What if what if that business doesn't work out? What if I, you know, can't make a living doing this? You know, this. These are all fear things or beliefs they have. It's all wrapped up into the mindset.

Now, one of the big ones I've learned, and this is also mentioned in the podcast, is understanding time as a tool to create flexibility. So yes, time is one resource we can't make more of, but if you use it wisely, you'll find you have a lot more of it.

Now I'm going to keep this specific episode shorter because I want you to focus on yourself. I want you to focus on your business and your goals for 2025. So if you, like me, are going to spend some time at some point this month, which right now is not yet scheduled for me, but I'm going to need to schedule that.

Do a look back. Ask yourself, as I will also do with you, what actually scares you. What's one big ass goal that you can accomplish next year? That a year or two ago you would have been incredibly impressed by? Do that one. Believe you can do more for yourself, your family, and your business next year. Be bold and absolutely do not ever give up.

That is the fastest path to failure. Complete failure. Although again, like in the last episode, failure is not a bad thing. But if you just want the the end of what it is that you're building and doing, don't give up. So until next time, have a great end of year 2024 and I'll catch you on the next one. Thank you for listening. I'm Janet Bartoli, and if you want to learn how to amplify your brand. Head on over to bartoliconsulting.com/amplify.

Any links mentioned are listed in the show notes. I want to answer any digital marketing questions that you have, so here's what you do. Just drop those into the comments, into the review section and keep showing up.


Amy Porterfield's Episode #730 https://www.amyporterfield.com/2024/11/730/ 

Best journaling app https://evernote.com/ 

Get Signed Up to Amplify Your Business https://www.bartoliconsulting.com/amplify 


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